Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Must... have... coat

This one's from two nights ago, so the deets are a bit fuzzy: I flew into New York and was planning to take the Subway to a movie theater to meet Anna. The train didn't have a clear explanation of what stops were coming up, and I was concerned I was in the wrong one. Just to be sure, I stayed in one a stop longer than I should have. I had to cross the tracks to back-track, and then I realized I had no idea what train number I had been on in the first place, and the train I got on could very well be headed someplace else entirely. I took the risk and went one stop. I walked and walked through the tunnels, before coming to a grand, carpeted staircase lined with movie posters. Anna was waiting for me.

I was in DC, I think, again to visit Anna. I quietly put my bags in her apartment (she was sleeping) and went into a mall area that was attached. Most of the stores were closing down, but Anthropologie, where I really wanted to be, was still open. I browsed through the sales rack and considered buying sweaters even though it was summer. Then I saw it. The most perfect coat I had ever seen in my life. It was a combination of my two winter coats-- thigh-length raspberry red felt with a hood and toggle closures, and thick enough to withstand Minnesota winters. I checked the price. It was $100 off-- down to $44.50. I knew it had to be mine. Anna came into the store and I tried on the coat for her. She agreed. It was perf. So I whipped out my credit card.

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