Wednesday, April 16, 2008

From Tuesday night: A Ride and a Rebuff

No. 1: A friend with whom I've been fighting lately and I were on a crazy elevator ride at an amusement park. It hoisted us up really high and then was supposed to let us down pretty fast. But we were going in free-fall. I was afraid I was going to die so I told her I loved her and that we should let bygones be bygones. Right before we were going to hit it was suspended. When we got out I went to the ride operator and yelled at him for being so irresponsible. He gave me a key to the ride that I put around my neck.

No. 2: I was at work and got an extremely angry email from my co-worker Patrick. Apparently we were supposed to have co-written an article for the next day's paper and we hadn't even chosen a topic yet. The email said he had to stay home with his small child that day and I had ruined everything. I called him right away and told him not to worry, that I'd just write it myself, and he responded that that wasn't the point. I told him I didn't like working in groups anyway and he should just let me do it, and he got frustrated and hung up on me. It got to be noon and I was working on the medical marijuana bill story, but I couldn't think of any sources who would be opposed to the bill. Finally I thought of calling a county commissioner. That's all I remember.