Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A madam, a raid and a movie

No. 1: I was in a friend's apartment in D.C. We were eating pizza with a lot of spinach on top. A man who wasn't her boyfriend but whom she was intimate with was coming over, and she didn't want to see him because he was physically violent with her. I begged her to run away before he got there. She ended up escaping to the top floor of the building when he came to the door. He had seen her car in the parking lot so he knew she was there. He started to chase her.

Possible origins: I ate pizza last night and I'm going to DC in two weeks.

No. 2: I was in my parents' house. It was the middle of the night. I woke up when a group of college-aged boys swarmed the building. I looked down from my window and saw they had guns and swords. I knew they were coming for prescription drugs. I ran up to the third floor bathroom, the only room in our house that has a lock. I had a silver pistol. Two of them, including one I went to high school with named Dave, followed me. I was so terrified that I was too weak to properly lock the door and they wedged themselves in the bathroom with me. I tearfully asked my fellow alum why he was doing this. He started crying too. I told them that the only pills we had were anti-nausea ones from when my brother was undergoing chemo. He took them and left. The other boys ransacked my mom's jewelry before they all left. I went to the basement and surveyed possible hiding spots should they return.

Possible origins: I'm reading a book about Napoleon and I was reporting an article about a man who has to take a bevy of prescription drugs yesterday.

No. 3: I was in my friend Dom's apartment, again in DC, and we were watching a movie that was a strange amalgam of Lady and the Tramp and All Dogs Go to Heaven.

Possible origins: My boyfriend sang one of the ADGTH songs to me on Sunday.


Domo El Mono Loco said...

i made the blog by name...YAY, but i dont understand the format, is this a dream journal?

Neenuh said...

You bet your bippy.